“In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity.”- Henry Wadsworth LongfellowPeople of the 21st century somehow tend to live with the strange feeling that everything’s already been invented and the world can never witness something revolutionary again. This frightening feeling does a lot of damage in general, but the situation gets especially bad in the fashion world.
We already got used to seeing unbelievable fashion trends - garish, tawdry, and actually almost repulsive. We start living by the rule that the bigger, the more colorful and the more complicated - the better. We created Tim Westbrook watches to oppose that regrettable lack of taste. To rebel against the ill-favored. To promote class again.
Tim Westbrook is more than just another brand of watches. It’s the face of our desperate attempt to bring back things long forgotten, and we’re not only talking about style in terms of the fashion industry. We dream of bringing back in fashion the image of the real gentleman, and the watch is just a part of that image, although a good part. A real gentleman knows how to interact with people respectfully, how to treat ladies properly, how to take goodcare of their looks, and how to stand out with their class and not the lack of it. We taught that from a real gentleman - the patron of our inspiration - TimWestbrook himself.
You might ask how could a hand watch complement these ideas? And we will answer - in every possible way. We created a collection of hand watches which rely on an elegant, clean and supreme simplicity. We wanted them to be neither fancy norunusual and extravagant in any way. We wanted only one thing - to create a fashion accessory which is suitable for people with distinguished taste and exquisite style. That’s why our watches had become increasingly popular among countries which are historically known to hugely appreciate fine manner and delicate looks, combined with the proper behavior - Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Austria, and other Western European countries.
Tim Westbrook watches are the finest addition to any outfit -from the business suit and shirt outfit, even to the simple and casual jeans and shirt clothing. They are designed to bend with your style and harmonize with it rather than stand out and attract people's attention...
Because that’s what a watch is naturally supposed to do, isn’t it?