At a time when a person can easily look at the smartphone's display, a true gentleman continues to wear a wristwatch. Why smartphones can not replace wristwatches?
Here are the main 5 reasons for this phenomenon:
5. Wristwatches are comfortable. "I do not need a clock because I have a phone" - this is a phrase you can hear often from the new generation that relies on the multifunctionality of mobile phones. Still, looking for the phone in the pocket or purse just to see how many hours it is somewhat cumbersome. It is much more convenient to look at the wrist to get the necessary information. This is much more stylish, especially when it comes to an official meeting or a romantic dinner. Furthermore, it is very rude for others to take your phone in a few minutes to check the time.
4. Wristwatches are simple and functional. The best watches do not use cutting-edge technology. They are powered by a genius clock mechanism that precedes even electricity. So, when your phone “faints”, you can trust a technology that continues to function seamlessly on your wrist.
3. Watches are a sign of style. The watch you choose to wear can attract others' attention more than the clothes you wear. And when it comes to gentlemen, the watch is an accessory that deserves to be appreciated. Three things can decorate best the male hands - a beautiful watch, a stylish pair of cufflinks and a wedding ring. The wristwatch makes it easy to get a sense of style. This is a form of self-expression - it reflects the character and the position of its bearer.
2. Wristwatches are pieces of art. Wristwatch is more than a time tracking device. It is a symbol of tradition and history which carries the spirit of handmade work. In the watch-houses with traditions four watchmakers work for months on a single wristwatch. Each of the mechanisms is placed manually, and the result is a truly unique piece of art. Few are the men who realize that the wrist watch is a piece of art. Only a true gentleman always appreciates this exquisite accessory that complements his garments.
1. A wristwatch is the perfect investment. It is not actually a true financial investment. It is rather an investment in your appearance and style, and thus in your way of life. For a long time, prestige and elegance go hand in hand with the expensive and stylish wristwatch. Nowadays, advanced technology makes it possible to get an accurate wristwatch at a symbolic price or even as a free souvenir or a promotional gift. However, the watch has preserved its function and a functional jewel. The truth is that a costly watch can be considered a jewel that dramatically improves your personal style. Luxury watches are known for their value over time. Many of them become precious family relics, and some are even honored to be exhibited in a museum. Just like your romance with your beloved one, the luxury watch is becoming more and more expensive and sentimental, literally and figuratively, over time.